Vintage Record Auction 75

This auction has closed. However, you are welcome to purchase lots that didn't sell.

Simply click on the Unsold List button below for a list of all available lots and look up those lot numbers in the catalog pdf files (by clicking on the corresponding Nauction catalog buttons).

Unsold Lots from Past Auctions

Most of the records in our catalogs are sold at auction, but there are always a few hundred that do not receive bids. These leftover records are made available for their Minimum Bid amounts on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Unsold List consists solely of lot numbers and prices. Please download the catalogs below to determine what the lot numbers represent.

VRA 75 Highlights

Out of the thousands of items offered in each catalog, a few stand out in terms of rarity, value, historical significance and/or visual appeal.

This slideshow will give you an idea what was for dinner!