Nauck's Vintage Records Auction Catalogs (back issues)
Catalogs $5 each, Prices Realized Lists $5 each
Nauck's catalogs are widely recognized as the finest in the business. Each list includes a wide range of formats and genres, from Berliners and brown wax cylinders to radio transcriptions, Diamond Discs, picture records and loads of 78s. Genres include jazz, blues, operatic, children's, ethnic, country, rock & roll, gospel, classical, r&b, personality, speeches, comedy routines, etc. Each auction features fabulous rarities, many of which you will never see presented anywhere else. The Prices Realized Lists reveal what each record sold for, which is a lot of information considering that we sell 8-10K items per auction!
Nauctions have become collector's items in their own right, and are regarded as reference works by collectors and archivists. Many back issues are now unavailable, and some of the other catalogs are also in very short supply. Out of print auctions appear in the list as PDF files; those auctions will be emailed to you along with their respective Prices Realized Lists.
SPECIAL DEAL! Order all available catalogs with their corresponding prices realized lists for only $95 - you save over 80%. That's more than a quarter million vintage records with complete descriptions and sales prices - now there's a deal that can't be beat.
Note: Prices Realized Lists are emailed as PDF files. We do not mail them out.